UCSF - University of California, San Francisco
US Dept of Veteran Affairs, San Francisco
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The Beta Blocker and Clonidine Protocol

Lesson 7
Barriers to Implementation

5. NPO Status

Let's talk about relative risk. Humans are very poor at understanding relative risk. When you look at decisions you should add up all the risks. If one risk is huge, the other risks don't really matter because the common and frequent risks will cause the problems.

Let's take NPO rules. Anesthesiologists are very good at enforcing NPO rules. We ask every patient when they ate last. If they ate in the last 6 to 8 hours, and the case is elective, we delay or cancel until it has been 6-8 hours. Well, what is the risk of death from aspiration pneumonia? 1:10,000 to 1:20,000. If you take a pregnant woman, at term, in labor, and you feed her a grand-slam breakfast at Denny's, and then you put her to sleep mask anesthesia, the risk of death is 1:200. Now, your chairman would probably call you aside and fire you for providing such care, but the real risk of death is 1:200.

What is the risk of perioperative mortality in a patient at risk who does not take their beta blocker? Well, if they are like Polderman's patients 1:3 risk of death. If they are like the average patient coming for major surgery 1:33. So perioperative beta blockers and BBAC is between 6 and 300 times more important than NPO status. Every time you ask if a patient has had breakfast, you should ask if they got their beta blocker. It is 300 times more important than NPO status.

Have you ever canceled or delayed a patient because they ate breakfast?

bullet What is the peri-operative mortality for aspiration pneumonia? 1:10,000?, 1:1000?, 1:200?
bullet What is the peri-operative mortality if a patient at risk, does not take their beta blocker? 1:3 to 1:33
Peri-operative beta blockade is between 6 and 300 times more important than NPO status as a risk factor.

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Content by Art Wallace MD PhD
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