Lesson 3
14. PTCA versus PCI (Stent) -
Take 2
despite the really cool names, and the really great study design,
and 10,347 patients, there was NO significant difference observed
between the stent group and PTCA group in the rates of death or
myocardial infarction. There was a difference in the number
of people who needed a subsequent PTCA, but that is not a great
result. "We found that there was no benefit to treatment
A over treatment B, but we did find that if you get treatment
A, we need to do it again." Twenty-three negative studies?
I would have given up.

Al Suwaidi
J, Holmes DR Jr, Salam AM, Lennon R, Berger PB.
Am Heart J. 2004 May;147(5):815-22.

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