Lesson 3
16. Risk of CABG vs PCI vs Medical
Therapy at One Year

Maybe we should get the cardiac risk stratification
so that we can identify the patient at risk for coronary disease
and they can get a benefit from a CABG. Let's look at the risk
of CABG versus PCI versus Medical therapy at one year. Hueb et.
al. J AmColl Cardiol. 2004 May 19;43(10):1743-51 found that in
the medicine, angioplasty, or surgery study (MASS-II): a randomized,
controlled clinical trial of three therapeutic strategies for
multivessel coronary artery disease: J AmColl Cardiol. 2004 May
19;43(10):1743-51 found that patients who were randomized to medical
therapy had a 1.5% mortality as compared to 4.0% for CABG and
4.4% for PCI. So, at one year, it is better to receive medical
therapy than PCI or CABG. Cheaper too!
Hueb et. al. The medicine, angioplasty, or surgery study (MASS-II):
a randomized, controlled clinical trial of three therapeutic strategies
for multivessel coronary artery disease: one-year results. J AmColl
Cardiol. 2004 May 19;43(10):1743-51

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