Lesson 3
18. Benefit of
CABG vs PTCA at 5 years
Hoffman et. al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 Apr
Meta-analysis of randomized trials comparing
coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) with percutaneous
transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
13 randomized trials on 7,964 patients comparing
1.9% absolute survival advantage favoring CABG over PTCA for
all trials at five years (p < 0.02)
No significant advantage at one, three,
or eight years.
Patients randomized to PTCA had more repeat
revascularizations at all time points (risk difference [RD]
24% to 38%, p < 0.001);
With stents, this RD was reduced to 15% at
one and three years.
Stents also resulted in a significant decrease
in nonfatal myocardial infarction at three years when compared
with CABG.
For diabetic patients, CABG provided a significant
survival advantage over PTCA at 4 years but not at 6.5 years.
CABG is associated with a lower five-year
mortality, less angina, and fewer revascularization procedures
compared to PTCA.
Stents reduced the need for repeat revascularization
by about half.
Benefit of CABG vs PTCA at 5 years
By the time you get out to eight years the survival
advantage of CABG over PTCA is lost. So, if you plan to live exactly
five years, choose CABG.

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