Implementation of
Perioperative Cardiac Risk Reduction Therapy (PCRRT) Using Beta
Blockers and Clonidine (BBAC).
Approximately 100,000 of the 400,000 patients per year in
the United States who undergo cardiac surgery and 1.5 million
of the 30 million who undergo non-cardiac surgery suffer perioperative
cardiovascular morbidity resulting in 50,000 myocardial infarctions
and 20,000 deaths a year at a cost exceeding $20 billion annually.1,2
Perioperative Cardiac Risk Reduction Therapy (PCRRT) using
prophylactic beta-blockade administered perioperatively reduces
the incidence of perioperative cardiac death between 50% and
90% in patients at risk who undergo non-cardiac surgery.3,4
PCRRT with clonidine, an alpha-2 agonist, reduces the incidence
of postoperative mortality death 50% in patients who undergo
non-cardiac surgery.5
In 1996, the American Heart Association and the American
College of Cardiology published medical guidelines6 and in
20037 they revised them, recommending the perioperative administration
of beta-blockers to patients who required them in the recent
past to control symptoms of angina or patients with symptomatic
arrhythmias or hypertension, as well as to patients at high
cardiac risk owing to the finding of ischemia on preoperative
testing or who are undergoing vascular surgery. They also
recommend that beta blockers be administered to patients with
untreated hypertension, known coronary disease, or major risk
factors for coronary disease (Class IIa). Alpha-2 agonist
therapy is recommended for the same population as a Class
IIb recommendation.
What is the justification for these recommendations by the
American College of Cardiology? The initial efforts at reducing
cardiac risk consisted of risk stratification.8
However, risk stratification merely identifies fixed risk
factors (coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease,
age, diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension)
it does not actually reduce risk. In 1990, Mangano et. al.
identified risk factors common to the risk stratification
studies but also identified the additional risk factor of
perioperative myocardial ischemia, a risk factor that could
be modified.1
Many authors tried to identify perioperative tests that could
predict perioperative morbidity, but no preoperative test
has been proven successful at predicting morbidity and mortality.9,10
Moreover, even if a preoperative test were able to predict
perioperative morbidity, what could be done to lower that
risk? Any therapy designed to reduce cardiac risk must reduce
total risk and it is difficult to add the risk of a procedure
(CABG or PCI) to a second procedure (non-cardiac surgery)
and get a lower total risk. The CARP trial definitively demonstrated
that coronary-artery revascularization before elective vascular
surgery does not significantly alter short or long-term outcome.
On the basis of these data, the strategy of coronary-artery
revascularization before elective vascular surgery among patients
with stable cardiac symptoms cannot be recommended. 11
Percutaneous coronary angioplasty with intracoronary stents
(PCI) prior to elective surgery has been associated with a
20% operative mortality.12
The MAS-II trial, a randomized trial comparing CABG, PCI,
and medical therapy, showed a survival advantage to medical
therapy at one year.13
Given the failure of standard cardiac risk stratification
followed by coronary revascularization to reduce operative
risk, a number of clinical trials of medical therapy have
been completed.3,14-22
This extensive search for a medical therapy to reduce perioperative
myocardial ischemia and cardiac death identified two generic
therapies which reduce the risk of perioperative cardiac morbidity
and mortality (beta blockers3,18,19,23
and clonidine24).
Prophylactic beta blocker therapy reduces perioperative mortality
50 to 90%.3,18,19,23
Prophylactic clonidine therapy reduces 30 day mortality 7
The cost per life saved is between $3 and $600 depending on
PO or IV therapy. The American Heart Association and American
College of Cardiology recognized the profound importance of
prophylactic perioperative beta blocker therapy and made it
a level I indication in 1996 for patients with known coronary
artery disease or known vascular disease (higher risk).
There has been some discussion of how to treat patients at
lower risk (those with two risk factors). In the VA studies3,14,24,
treating patients with two risk factors reduced total operative
mortality and improved long term survival. Other authors agree
that higher risk patients should definitely be on beta blockers
but are less certain of the benefits in lower risk patients.25-27
London et. al. concluded that evidence for the efficacy of
perioperative beta blockers is strong and the established
clinical guidelines of the ACC/AHA should be used to guide
the institution and maintenance of perioperative beta blocker
therapy in patients at risk.27
